Thursday, August 15, 2024

America Needs A Hugh Jackman: Not A Donald Trump.

 Thursday, August 15, 2024

Let me give you a quick run-down of what has happened in the past 10 or so years, so you can see where all of this is coming from.

After returning from Japan in 2012; I moved to Texas.

I thought I was "meant" to marry someone who ended up marrying someone else.

I completed a teacher prep program in Texas, then had my first full-time teaching experience, which opened my eyes to a whole new world of student trauma and stress and had to take a step back. This is where I learned that by 7th grade students didn't believe in dreaming anymore. Why dream if you're never gonna get what you want?

I moved to WA for a year-and-a-half to see if a relationship would work out. He was a narcissist, but I learned a lot from the experience.

I moved back to TX and got my MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching).

I moved to CO to be closer to my fam and to teach 6th and 7th Grade Social Studies. Another eye-opening experience which I didn't feel prepared for but was determined to make it work and support my students the best way I knew how. This is where a student told me "I'm just gonna collect my check from the State" when asked about their aspirations for a future career. Later in the year, I told the same student I believed he could be the first Hispanic President of the United States, and I meant it. He grinned widely. Then, just as quickly, the smile disappeared and he looked down at the ground. 

I moved to UT 1) to be even closer to family, 2) to teach 4th Grade because I learned from teaching high-risk 7th graders that you need to catch them when they're younger in order for them to believe there's a chance in hell for them. I made my classroom theme A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman to encourage them to believe that dreams can come true with persistence, guidance, community, and the application of their strengths. 

I was seen as a threat to the system when I advocated for my struggling students to receive the additional help they needed and was told that I "wasn't a fit for (their) environment" but they would give me a positive letter of recommendation moving forward. (Although this was frustrating at the time, this was a door opening that needed to open for me to move toward my highest self and life purpose).

I moved to MA to be an innkeeper at a luxury boutique inn in the Berkshires. Here, I had the greatest life-transforming experience. I stepped away from religion to pursue truth, regardless of my comfort zone or previous beliefs. I sought out who I was without my family, culture, or society telling me what I should be. I flip-flopped politically and became much more open to and accepting of people with different views and beliefs. I was intuitively guided to resources that helped me heal my inner child (which I didn't know needed healing). I started to investigate the underlying beliefs that created my emotions and behaviors: asking myself where they came from and if they were true (spoiler: they never are!). I learned that I was safe even when my fight/flight system acted up, that people do the best they know how with the training they've had in their own lives, and that the way people treat me isn't about me: it's about something going on within them and their experiential training. Because of these understandings, I have much more compassion and patience for people who are still learning how to deal with their trauma. (Another spoiler: it's estimated that 80-85% of the world has had significant enough trauma in childhood to negatively impact all areas of their lives as adults...maybe why we're struggling so much and think "it's just life" or "it was a long time ago...I'm fine" like I thought?) I was introduced to manifestation and the concepts of spirituality and energy. I realized that the entire process I went through was exactly what my students needed in order to overcome the limiting beliefs they had and to pursue their greatest potential. I thought of a plot for a sequel to The Greatest Showman that inspired youth around the world and emailed it to 20th Century. It was returned "without being opened" because it was unsolicited. (Again, another good thing at the time).

I met with a psychic (I know, interesting, right?) who told me some interesting things. Everything that had already occurred was spot on and she knew what I was already going toward without telling her anything at all. So, I thought...I guess we'll see what the future holds for everything else she said! More to come as they come to pass.

I became a certified Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Life Coach, Positive Psychology Practitioner, and Trauma Support Specialist.

I spent 3 months in ID with my family while I created free life and career coaching activities for youth for an NPO that I decided to start.

I moved to CA (yes, the psychic predicted this but there is more to why I chose LA). I obtained 3 PT jobs while I got the NPO off the ground. Subbing in LA is where an 8th grader told me: "We don't have any power and control. The government and Big Business do." The NPO came together in less than 2 weeks!! I did a paid workshop for Burbank Public Library on preparing for an interview and was offered a job as their new Job Connect Plus Program Administrator! (More to come on that.) After being in CA for only 3 months, my intuition told me to quit my jobs. Being committed to following my intuition: I did and started hanging out at a couple of cafes looking to make connections and gain some experience in film production cuz why not? I was there and it seemed interesting. I felt an intuitive nudge to start back up with my voice lessons, so I spoke with a woman who asked me if I ever considered writing my own music. I said "no" then hung up and immediately wrote the lyrics to 2 songs for The Greatest Showman 2: Peaceful Revolution. (More to come on that). I took the lyrics to my new friends at the cafe and a screenwriter said "Love the story. Love the lyrics. You need to write the screenplay." My response was "I don't write screenplays." (HAHAHAHA! More to come on that). Four days later, I woke up and felt a nudge to go on a roadtrip to Morro Bay- 3 hours north. So, I did! On the way back that night, completely calm, I started to think and realized: "I don't have any songs for the original cast yet! People will want to hear from them." So, I started to think about the connections between the new and original characters. Twenty minutes or so later, I realized: I'm writing a screenplay. So, I got home that night, Googled "how to format a screenplay" and started to write. Two-and-a-half weeks later, it was finished and copyrighted along with lyrics to 11 original I wrote to go with it. 

Then, my intuition told me to sell my car (there are more details leading up to this, including that the psychic told me it was going to happen, but I didn't believe it was possible since it was my "freedom"). I turned down the job with Burbank Public Library because my intuition actually said to me (the day before they sent me the contract) "you're not going to be here long enough." I intuitively sorted through my belongings on the following Saturday (unsure why), gave my belongings to the homeless organization I volunteered with on Sunday, sold my car on Monday, picked up the check on Wednesday, booked a flight to Australia on Thursday (more to come on that), and boarded my flight to Australia on Monday. Still jobless.

I spent 5 wonderful months in Australia. (More to come on that). This is where I had a great spiritual awakening; with nature/truth/Source/God teaching me "We are one. We work together" and later "you are not in control" which brought with it peace and understanding. We're not in control. We are part of the whole. Our actions impact everyone and everything around us and vice versa. We are not in control. The whole is.

I returned to the US and made my way back to CA. Unsure what came next. I continued my self-work with Mindvalley, determined to become a master of following my intuition and manifestation. Here, in Central California, I became determined once again to share a message of hope, understanding, compassion, healing, and working together as one with the world. I began to outline a reality TV/docu series that would mirror the themes found in The Greatest Showman 2: Peaceful Revolution. It's one thing to feel empowered and hope when you're watching a movie, but as soon as you leave, you return to a "reality" that is your unconscious training that you "can't." So, I partnered the film with a learning opportunity for those who want to change their circumstances with a series that scaffolds information and shows real people walking the walk of progress and change. That shows people, step-by-step how to move forward with a website with free activities that are exactly like the ones people on TV are doing. Creating awareness of the need for new business ventures meant to make individuals, families, and communities more self-reliant and thrive by showing them how to start a business, how to work with their community, and even how to make various 100% natural and sustainable everyday products for self and business purposes. Information => observation => invitation to act. I posted videos explaining my manifestation to work with Zac Efron and Hugh Jackman (who made the original one happen) on Instagram and YouTube with the goal of getting 10 million likes to show 20th Century that the people want and need this for positive change and hope for future generations!!! Please like and share on all your social media if you support this sentiment. Thank you for being a part of my journey and the journey that brings hope and healing back to the world. 

And that brings us to now. There are many more details and learning experiences I've left out. But for now, that outline is the core. I know I'm on the right path. I am doing what I can and allowing the universe to do its part in bringing me my likeminded community to bring TGS2:PR and the reality docu series together. I look forward to sharing more as things develop. For the world we're gonna make!