Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why I'm Leaning Toward Romney in 2012

Eradicating National Debt to Provide Financial Security For the American People

Recently, I heard a radio broadcast wherein Mitt Romney addressed the changes needed in our leadership to eliminate our nation's debt. I feel that in order to do so we must turn away from spending to fulfill our wants and focus first on what our nation needs. To do this, we must make drastic changes. I agree with Mr. Romney that Congress and others, including the President himself, should take drastic pay cuts or no pay at all until the national debt is absolved. I also feel that the tax system and all budgets associated with it need to be revamped. Paying off our nation's debt while still allowing the American people financial stability will be a delicate balance. The following will address things Congress ought to do and what it ought not to do in order to accomplish the eradication of our nation's debt. Freedom from debt and providing financial security will allow all Americans to truly obtain the life, liberty, and happiness that is every American's right.

First, we need to restructure the tax system's programs and budgets by cutting funding to programs that are not necessary. Programs for things that would be considered “necessary” would cut all taxes associated with and put caps on prices surrounding healthcare, food, water, housing, and clothing. A flat, unchanging tax should be set (ie 10% of EACH PERSON’S gross income no matter who you are or what your occupation is). Once budgets have been set, only spend money that has been budgeted and that we actually have! Find other ways for the government to produce money for its budgets if more is desired. If you want to have technologically and scientifically advancing projects, get wealthy private donors to pay for it or create an international coalition for the projects. Encourage production of items 'Made in USA' for exporting. Last, but certainly not least, stop borrowing money we cannot pay back!

Restructuring to give back to the people that to which they are entitled: Freedom in stability
The new tax system will eliminate taxation of businesses providing necessary goods, thus eliminating taxation retailer to customer because the budgeted portion the 10% flat tax would be utilized for those programs. For example, food and consumable liquids that do not fall in the 'others' category (others would constitute chips, soda, alcohol, candy, etc.) should not be taxed. Purchases of Hybrid, electric, or other eco-friendly (and thus healthcare friendly) transportation should not be taxed at any level at any point. Healthcare should be separated into three classes: preventative healthcare (immunizations, routine checkups, etc), major medical, and minor medical. A flat premium should be paid to the provider at time of service depending upon into what category the reason for care falls. Next, the healthcare budget would be utilized. A cap should be applied to healthcare providers and companies that produce supplies and medications associated with the healthcare system. Housing facilities, whether rented or owned, should not be taxed. Only properties and buildings used for commercial purposes should be taxed. Americans should be provided quality, reasonably-priced products and services, in connection with new budgets and programs, that are necessary to truly be a country founded on “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. By setting budgets, having a set, unchanging tax rate, not borrowing and spending money we do not have, and by finding alternate ways to procure money for projects, I feel that we can have both a balanced budget and a happier people free of unnecessary taxes.

<a href="http://yourlocalsecurity.com/scholarship" ><img src="http://yourlocalsecurity.com/images/yourlocalsecurity/scholarship/scholarship-badge.png" alt="Blogging Scholarship" /></a><br / >by <a href="http://yourlocalsecurity.com">YourLocalSecurity.com</a>

Goodbye Japan, Hello Dallas!

Wow! It's seriously been 8 months since my last post?! That is seriously crazy! I did warn y'all that I was terrible at keeping up with things like this, however. So, I guess to bring you up to speed:

At the beginning of September my boss was caught trying to get one of my coworkers a working visa while still on a tourist visa (illegal since my coworker was working on a tourist visa). She exited to South Korea to the embassy after her tourist visa had expired and was "voluntarily exported" along with her willing husband. They are still waiting to enter the country again. There was an investigation and two other couples along with their children were involuntarily exported. We brought in a little temporary help but not enough to keep things going smoothly. Many classes were cancelled and the full time staff was worked overtime to make things work. The franchise owners were rightfully angry that my boss broke her end of the contract and 4 of the 5 franchises broke off. My boss was optimistic and opened 3 new schools under her own name to compensate with a much smaller student body. Most of the students from the franchises stayed with the franchises. Good for them. My boss had many legal issues involving immigration and tax fraud over the past 30 years.

On a brighter note--I made many wonderful friends and learned so much about myself. I have a renewed desire to cut out unnecessary things from my life and simplify to find greater happiness and openness to the promptings of the Still Small Voice (the Holy Ghost). I had the wonderful opportunity to introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to many non-Christians who were seeking greater happiness and purpose in life. I feel that my efforts in bringing others to Christ have been more effective in Japan than during my full-time mission for the Church. Much of that was probably due to the fact that I didn't know how to be "natural" as a missionary but since my mission I've learned how to apply bringing others to Christ to my everyday life. I wrote my testimony and a personal message in Books of Mormon and gave them to 9 of my new Japanese friends. In addition, I gave one to my gaijin (American) roommate whom I love and appreciate dearly. Four of those nine friends attended church with me at least once and two of them (a mother and daughter) want to be involved regularly. I am so grateful for this experience. I love them all so much and want them to have the happiness the gospel has brought me.

On March 18, 2012, I returned home to America. I stayed with my sister, Lorinda, and her husband for a week in Boise then returned home to Rexburg. I have been here since then-planning my move to Dallas, Texas where I will be attending the University of Texas at Dallas and a community college to complete math and teacher education courses to be a high school mathematics teacher. I am excited to experience a new environment and meet new people. I am even more excited to finally have a career in something I feel will meaningfully contribute to society and youth. I hope to teach math, psychology, and Spanish within the next 5 years. Time is flying--I still need to find a place to live in Dallas and a job...but my experience with being still and following the very gentle promptings of the Spirit will help me. I have never felt so ready for life and making decisions. I have never had such confidence in myself and the Lord. I'm ready for my next adventure.

P.S. In September I hiked Mt. Fujisan. In October I went white water rafting and canyoning. Also in October I started the P90X Extreme Workout Program. I have since lost about 25 lbs of lipids and gained about 8 lbs of muscle. I feel great!