Friday, January 31, 2014

Next...on Reality TV

(Update): Recently, well just now, I re-read this post and realized just how incorrect I was. Progression, respect, and hard work are not best achieved at the hand of aggression by any means. What we really need is parents who love their children and have expectations for future generations. What we really need is more family time-even if you are spending no money. What we need are parents who know how to parent and programs to help them when they don't know. What we need is wiser decisions during adolescence and this all starts in the home. What we need is love in the home and love of mankind. This cannot be accomplished in any reality TV show created by an industry driven by ratings. This reality TV show needs to be reality, and it is your choice to make it happen. 

I was talking with my sister, Lorinda, this afternoon and came up with a great idea for the next Reality TV Show. I wrote a letter expressing my thoughts and have submitted it to 3 production companies for review. Get your voice out there and change the world for the BETTER!! See below for full transcript!

Proposal For a New Reality TV Show
Heather LastName

To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Heather LastName. I recently came up with what I believe would be an excellent idea for a Reality TV show. Before I go into detail about the concept I would like to explain to you the back-story of this idea. Why it is so important to me. I will try to keep this section as succinct as possible while still expressing myself effectively.

When I was a child I did not know that we were poor. I am one of eight children. My father was a kindergarten teacher and my mom did an excellent job at home raising us. When I was eight years old my family moved from a small town to a slightly larger town in another state. The culture there was drastically different than what we were used to. By our second Christmas in the bigger town, we had noticed what “the Jones” kids had and we wanted more or brand names for Christmas, birthdays, and anything we else needed through out the year.

When I became an adult, I looked back at my life and realized that we were not wealthy by any means. As a matter of fact, after a recent discussion with my mom, I calculated how much our family's income was. After doing some further research I discovered that we were barely above the National Poverty Level at the time. We had no Medicaid assistance. We just made it work with what we had.

Going to college was never a question for me, because my grandmother had encouraged it for so long. Because her mother was very ill with breast cancer, my grandmother had forfeited years of her childhood education to be a homemaker for her nine siblings. I worked my way through my Bachelor Degree in Psychology. Psych introduced me to how society and culture changed over time. I saw so many things that were hurting American society: pride, selfishness, laziness, anger, hatred, disrespect, and entitlement, just to name a few. After much time pondering what I could do to help this world, I realized that in order to help America live up to the pride we have as Americans—we need to be a people worth being proud of. Whether or not we as individuals are becoming something worth being proud of determines whether or not America is worth being proud of. The behaviors and attitudes described above all seem to be due to either encouragement or neglect in the home. So, I thought long and hard about what position in society would allow me to improve American family's lives through instilling the positive characteristics worth being proud of. I knew from my studies and personal experience that the source with the strongest impact in our society is media. But that's still not quite where you come in.

I decided that if parents couldn't be there for their kids to teach them correct values and attitudes I would be there for them, and I decided to become a teacher. I began a teaching program and obtained a teaching internship at an urban public school just outside of Dallas, Texas. Boy, was I in for a huge culture shock. I grew up in Idaho, and it seemed like there was very little disturbance in classrooms. For the most part kids sat I their seats, listened, raised their hand when they wanted to talk, and returned their homework completed when due. In this was a completely different story. I quickly discovered that I could not help these kids in the way I wanted as a school teacher. I still needed to get into the family somehow.

I taught an year of English in Japan and noticed many cultural differences. Some positive and some negative. Some were things I thought we should implement in America, and some where things that I felt Japan could learn from America. Something I noticed about Japanese culture is how hard they work for what they have. Even the most wealthy families I met did not have the “newest” and “latest.” Their children did not have everything they wanted. They were expected to work hard so that what they gave to society was worth being proud of. On the other hand, not long ago I decided that I needed extra income above and beyond my full time job to pay some unexpected bills. I got a second job at a very well-known retail store that I had worked at before and had quite enjoyed. My experience at this Plano, Texas location was completely different than the small town in Idaho. The workers at the Plano store avoided customers. They did the bare minimum to get paid. When a customer needed something, instead of walking with them to where it should be they just said “it should be over there” (with a gesture) “if it's not we don't have it.” The dream-inspired founder of this international company would be ashamed of this kind of work ethic. I am a “go above and beyond” worker. I do everything I can to satisfy and help my customers. After doing so at this store I was told not to anymore. I could not believe it! They were telling me not to do my job!! If we expect minimum wages to go up then our minimum wage workers need to show us that their position is worth the raise. My attitude and work ethic deserved a raise. The people I worked with deserved to be fired, because they weren't fulfilling their job duties as outlined by the founder.

Now, we are getting to my idea for a new Reality TV show. One of the greatest things that we as Americans are lacking in the coming-up generation is the concept of hard work to get what you want. Everyone seems to think that they are entitled to everything that is being sold, and that they don't have to do anything to get it.

My idea is to take this concept of entitlement and show today's adolescents what it means to work for what you want. Take them into a working situation where there are requirements that need to be met for quality production and give them a drill sergeant boss to push them. Whether it be manual labor, production, analysis, it doesn't matter as long as they are treated like a professional with professional output expectations. They get none of their toys or “wants” unless they meet the expectations of their boss. This can run over into the home also. Follow them home and train their parents how to have expectations to help out and do their part to get what they want. I'm sure that parents would be greatly appreciative of this and the ratings would be great as they follow techniques and tips given by experts in the areas of psychology, sociology, business, and others as necessary. Take a teen and put them through the ringer of responsibility, respect of self and others, expectation for greatness, willingness to dream and then to hard work to accomplish a dream, and any other social deficiency they seem to exhibit. When you are satisfied with that candidate's makeover...move on to the next one and instill in them characteristics of greatness. As you can see this new concept can be morphed into so many topics from episode to episode. New experts can be brought in depending on the situation.

This will benefit not only television ratings but also society in many ways. First, it will teach respect and a level of humility to today's teens. It will teach parents guidance skills. It will train today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. With tomorrow's driven leaders comes an increase of production and economic well-being for all Americans. We drive the economy! Let this show drive not only ratings but also family improvement, societal/cultural responsibility, and economic growth for generations to come. We need to get both the low-income and the average free-loading teen off the couch and driven with dreams and expectations to change the world.

Let's change the world. Let's take what reality is and make it what reality needs to be to truly and proudly be able to call America the Land of Freedom and Opportunity. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yes...Jesus Loves Me!

There are truly so many things to be thankful for right now! I have an amazing calling at church! I am the 1st Counselor in the Primary Presidency. As part of that calling I am over the Cub Scouts. I recently went to a pack meeting where the boys learned about fire safety and then roasted hot dogs and made s'mores. So much fun and my hoodie still smells like camp fire! It just reminds me how much I want to be in the outdoors and go camping. Mountains, why do you have to be so far away from Dallas??

Anyhew, I just started a new job at the University of Phoenix. This is an answer to prayers, because I've been trying to figure out how to meet my financial goals and meet my self-imposed deadlines. There are a lot of big decisions to make. Most of them have been made and I am twiddling my thumbs until the day comes that I can do something about them. This includes moving to a house with roommates in May. Trying to save as much money as possible is proving to be difficult. Why do there have to be so many bills? Why does surviving need to cost so much? One of my major goals is to "Simplify." It seems to be difficult to do so. I think it's time for a girl's night/day. Texting Bekah....mission accomplished. Ok back to work--what else?

On Christmas morning I received a call from my oldest sister, Lara. I knew immediately why she was calling. Grandma Allison had been suffering from dementia for several months, but it had worsened significantly over the past month or so. Ruby Louise Killian Allison died at 4:16 AM PST on December 25, 2013. I started to make travel plans and we had a memorial service in Longview, WA on New Year's eve, December 31, 2013. I had been sleep deprived from working two jobs and did not sleep well with family wanting to stay up really late. 

However, there was a great blessing within this time period. Ten years ago a wonderful woman from my mission, Sister Norton, recommended that I read a book called "The Peacegiver." When I returned home, I purchased the book but did not open it to read it until recently. During the flight I read a third of the book, and it changed my life forever. I now understand how to overcome some of my greatest challenges in accepting other people's poor decisions, which frequently hurt others and myself. What a great blessing.

After returning from Washington, I had my first road trip in Texas! I drove the 4 hours to Houston where I visited my wonderful friends, Sarah and Christopher, and their two beautiful boys! What a great weekend. Just being around Sarah brings peace.

Since I have a couple of weeks free between jobs, I have been doing family history, which is always such a great experience. It has been difficult to motivate myself to go outside--even though it is good for me--because it is SO stinking cold. Warm Weather, you are welcome to come with your camping buddies whenever you'd like!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sins Revealed and Unspoken Understanding

Well, as you have probably already guessed, I'm not very good at keeping a consistent journal. I do a little better in my physical journal. :)

A lot has actually happened in the past 2 years. Most of it is so sacred that I can not express it to the world. All I can say is that when the Lord speaks I must listen and obey. Someday all of the pieces will come together and that which I have learned over the last year-and-a-half, that no one else can understand, will be more understandable. I have recently become better acquainted with a few scriptural figures both in study and in life experience.

Half of me thinks I'm crazy. The other half reminds me that I believe in angels, manifestations of the Spirit, personal revelation, and a perfect omniscient God.

God answers prayers when we least expect them to be answered and in an even less expected way. As we accept His will our past makes sense and our future becomes as bright as noonday--full of hope, peace, and joy in the magnificent part we agreed to fulfill in premortal life. When we seek the Lord's will, He shows us how to fulfill our destiny. And our destiny is perfect.