Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yes...Jesus Loves Me!

There are truly so many things to be thankful for right now! I have an amazing calling at church! I am the 1st Counselor in the Primary Presidency. As part of that calling I am over the Cub Scouts. I recently went to a pack meeting where the boys learned about fire safety and then roasted hot dogs and made s'mores. So much fun and my hoodie still smells like camp fire! It just reminds me how much I want to be in the outdoors and go camping. Mountains, why do you have to be so far away from Dallas??

Anyhew, I just started a new job at the University of Phoenix. This is an answer to prayers, because I've been trying to figure out how to meet my financial goals and meet my self-imposed deadlines. There are a lot of big decisions to make. Most of them have been made and I am twiddling my thumbs until the day comes that I can do something about them. This includes moving to a house with roommates in May. Trying to save as much money as possible is proving to be difficult. Why do there have to be so many bills? Why does surviving need to cost so much? One of my major goals is to "Simplify." It seems to be difficult to do so. I think it's time for a girl's night/day. Texting Bekah....mission accomplished. Ok back to work--what else?

On Christmas morning I received a call from my oldest sister, Lara. I knew immediately why she was calling. Grandma Allison had been suffering from dementia for several months, but it had worsened significantly over the past month or so. Ruby Louise Killian Allison died at 4:16 AM PST on December 25, 2013. I started to make travel plans and we had a memorial service in Longview, WA on New Year's eve, December 31, 2013. I had been sleep deprived from working two jobs and did not sleep well with family wanting to stay up really late. 

However, there was a great blessing within this time period. Ten years ago a wonderful woman from my mission, Sister Norton, recommended that I read a book called "The Peacegiver." When I returned home, I purchased the book but did not open it to read it until recently. During the flight I read a third of the book, and it changed my life forever. I now understand how to overcome some of my greatest challenges in accepting other people's poor decisions, which frequently hurt others and myself. What a great blessing.

After returning from Washington, I had my first road trip in Texas! I drove the 4 hours to Houston where I visited my wonderful friends, Sarah and Christopher, and their two beautiful boys! What a great weekend. Just being around Sarah brings peace.

Since I have a couple of weeks free between jobs, I have been doing family history, which is always such a great experience. It has been difficult to motivate myself to go outside--even though it is good for me--because it is SO stinking cold. Warm Weather, you are welcome to come with your camping buddies whenever you'd like!

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